
Flowchart on CLIMBERS, created by Geraldin Baez on 18/09/2017.
Geraldin Baez
Flowchart by Geraldin Baez, updated more than 1 year ago
Geraldin Baez
Created by Geraldin Baez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • MAY 1985 TWO CLIMBERS, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates left their base camp. They started climbing  the mountain Siula grande,this climb was dangerous  
  • Day 1: The weather was good. At night, they made a snow cave.
  • Day 4: The two men stood at the summit, but the weather was getting worse so they didn't stay long.
  • Then a disaster happened. Simpson fell and broke his knee.
  • Yates tied a rope to himself and then to his friend and he began lowering to Simpson down the mountain.
  •  Yates helped Simpson get down the mountain when Simpson suddenly slipped. 
  • DAY 5: Yates thought Simpson was dead, but Simpson was in a crack where he lasted 3 days drinking ice, took strength and managed to get out.
  • DAY 7: simpson returns dragging himself to the base camp where Yates is asleep in the camping tent, he hears that Simpson shouted his name and left to his rescue and together they returned home.
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