Mass Media


very very sad
Flashcards by jeremias1.herzer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jeremias1.herzer about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of Mass Media ° a large audience gets information. ° television and radio, newspaper as well as internet, mobile phones and social networks provide this information.
For what is mass media used? ° it informs about current news. °commercials inform us about products. ° we are entertained by watching movies and advertisements.
How does Tv manipulate us? ° commercials ° advertisments ° product placement ° news in general (newspaper) ° unconscious influence (stereotypes) ° personalized ads on social networks
Which role does Mass Media play in our society? ° it is used for entertainment ° information masses flood own opinion building ° there is a need to acces media (peer pressure)
Different Types of mass media. 1) Television 2) Internet
Positive aspects of watching Tv ° information ° entertainment ° news on current issues ° can complement education ° show other cultures and countries ° possibility of improving knowledge
Negative aspects of watching Tv ° less educational purpose ° gender roles / stereotypes ° manipulation (commercials) ° impairs development of toodlers ° loss of imagination and creativity ° promotes passivity (couch potatoes) kids can`t differentiate btw. reality and fiction
How can parents minimize the negative impacts of watching television? ° no TV during meals ° choose appropriate programs ° should be treated like a privilege ° limit the number of hours watch tv ° don´t allow watching TV while doing their homework and so on...
Advantages of the internet ° to gain knowledge ° sharing information ° every time up to date ° can finish things with few fingertips ° can message friends/family all the time
Disadvantages of the internet ° cyber bullying ° risk of becoming addicted ° masses of wrong information ° data retention - loss of privacy (facebook: everybody can see what you do)
Data retention? Is used for ensuring criminal justice and public protection. makes online information of private people available for the government (every step you do online is recorded)
Cyber bullying? This form is like the normal bullying, with the only difference, that it is online. The bully often thinks, that he/she is safe, because there is a screen between them
What means cyber bullying exactly? This form of bullying does not stop even when you go home from school or somewhere else, because you are all the time online and available.
How does this work? The bullys can make fake profils, so the victim doesn´t know who is bullying. Also they can post ugly pictures of their victim, which are then everywhere on the net.
What can you do to protect yourself from this form of bullying? ° save your privacy ° add only friends, which you really know ° don`t exchanges naked photos (sexting) ° don´t talk about your problems or other privat things in the net ° use privacy settings, so not everything you publish is viewable by all users
What can you do against cyber bullying? ° block the bullies ° visit self-help groups ° get info about your rights ° talk to teachers, parents or friends ° do not let them know that they are successful with it
What are warning signs? ° social isolation ° declining grades ° changes in habits ° Self-destructive behaviors ° feeling sick or faking illness ° not wanting to go to school ° difficulty sleeping / nightmares
Which kids are at risk of getting bullied? There are a lot of factors like: ° are less popular ° have low self esteem ° are depressed, anxious, ° are unable to defend themselves ° are perceived as different / overweight
How to prevent cyberbullying? ° talking about the topic in school ° information on legal issues ° parents should control online activities of their kids
Why don't victims ask for help? ° afraid that it happens again ° ashamed about their situation ° don´t know who they should talk to
Mobile Apps Are for : Smart Phones, Tv, Tablets, Computers and so on..
+) Positive things of mobile apps ° fun ° information ° social contacts ° entertainment
-) Negative things of mobile apps ° time intensive ° loss of privacy ° some are expensive ° addiction to be online.. ° problem of faking information
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