Teamwork Englisch


Eidgenössische Fachausweis Executive Assistant Flashcards on Teamwork Englisch, created by Tetyana Pesotska on 12/07/2022.
Tetyana Pesotska
Flashcards by Tetyana Pesotska, updated more than 1 year ago
Tetyana Pesotska
Created by Tetyana Pesotska over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The progress report + on to give a ¨ on what had been done/achieved so far. Entwicklungsbericht Tätigkeitsbericht Einen Berichterstattung bezüglich gemachte Arbeit machen
to meet/achieve/attain an objective well on the way to meeting our objectives feasible objective das Ziel erreichen sein auf dem Weg zur Erreichung des Ziels realistisches Ziel
to implement implementation umsetzten /einsetzten/ durchführen die Durchführung is the process of putting something into practice
to induction Einführung / Einleitung
alliance Verbund
intention specifically like to achieve die Absicht
ambition having desire to achieve Ambition
synergy Synergy occurs when different parties work together for a shared goal.
partnership to be associated with another person, group, or company
to launch a project Launching a project means to officially start something new.
to compile ideas formulation of ideas die Ideen sammeln die Formulierung der Ideen
pulling together they channel their energy and skills towards one specific goal
combined effort all gave their part it was a combined effort When everyone does their part to make a project successful
to set a goal das Ziel setzten
sth is clear on sth etwas ist klar
to submit ideas or invoices die Ideen oder Rechnung einreichen/vorlegen
submission deadline der Abgabetermin
a collective decision we have just made a ¨ decision
an objective a goal, milestone you would like to reach
identify the overall goals die grösste Ziele bestimmen
identify the goal specific objectives small steps this process helps you to achieve that goal
to produce to put something into action or bring it into reality Kreieren, produzieren
to hold (held) the meeting to have, to arrange, to organize the meeting
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