Created by Anja Buster
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Abschlussprüfung | final exam (examination) |
Abteilungsleiter | Head of department floormanager department mangaer |
Angestellter | employee |
Arbeitszeit | working hours |
ausbilden | to train |
Ausbilder | Instructor trainer |
Ausbildung | apprenticeship |
Ausbildungsdauer | duration of apprenticeship |
ausgelernt | to finish my apprenticeship to be qualified |
Austattung | Equipment |
Auszubildender | apprehtice |
Beruf | occupation proffession |
Berufsbekleidung | workwear |
Berufsschule | vocational college |
Berufsschüler | student at vocational college |
Betrieb | Company |
Betriebsferien | company holidays |
Betriebsleiter | superintendent director/head/manager of the company |
Betriebsversammlung | works meeting |
bewerben | application/ to apply for something |
Bilanz | end result balance |
Blockunterricht | teaching by subject area |
Buchhaltung | accounting |
Dienstplan | rota |
Einkaufsabteilung | sells department |
Essen kochen | to cook a meal |
essen vorbereiten | to prepare a meal preparing food |
Feierabend | end of work closing time |
Gastronomie | Gastronomy |
Gesundheitszeugnis | health report certificate |
Hausmeister | caretaker |
Inventur | inventory |
Koch | Chef cook |
Kollege | colleague |
Küche | kitchen |
Lagerung | warehousing storeage |
Lohn | solary ware |
Personalbüro | personal office |
Reklamation | complaint |
Restaurantfachmann | restaurant expert/ master |
Restaurantleiter | restaurant manager |
Schichtführer | shift leader |
Service | service |
Spätdienst | late shift |
Systemgastronom | systemgastronomer |
Testkäufer | mystery shopper |
Überstunden | overtime |
Urlaub | holidays |
Verkaufsaktion | sales campaign |
Verkaufsbereich | sales area |
verkürzen | to shorten |
Vertrag unterschreiben | to sign a contract |
Werbung | advertisment |
wöchentlich | weekly |
Zensuren | mark report censorship |
Zeugnis | report witness |
Zwischenprüfung | intermediate exam |
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