Chapter 5 - Recruitment


Flashcards on Chapter 5 - Recruitment, created by Josefine Marie on 21/01/2020.
Josefine Marie
Flashcards by Josefine Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Created by Josefine Marie over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Contingent Workers vs Full Time employees Organizations have increased their use of contingent workers. They work as parttimers, temporaries or independent contractors Human equivalents of just-in-time inventory
Recruitment Process of attracting individuals: - on a timely basis - in sufficient numbers - with appropriate qualifications And encouraging them to apply for jobs
Alternatives to Recruitment - Outsourcing (transfer responsibility to external provider) - Offshoring (migration of some part to another country) - Onshoring (moving jobs to lower cost US) - Overtime (avoids recruitment, selection and training costs, for short-term high volume of work) - Contingent workers - Employee Leasing
External Environment of Recruitment - Labor Market conditions - Active Job seekers - Passive Job Seekers - Legal Considerations
Promotion from within - filling vacancies above entry-level positions with current employees - incentive to strive for advancement - Organization usually aware of employees capabilities
Recruitment Process Firstly consider alternatives to Recruitment If not adequate, manager submits an emplyoee requisition Then it has to be determined if you use internal or external sources of employees
Internal Recruitment Methods - Human Resource Databases - Job Posting - Job Bidding - Internet - Intranet - Employee referral
External Recruitment Sources - Highschools and vocational schools - Community Colleges - Colleges and universities - Competitors on Labor market - Former Employees - Unemployed workers - Military personnel - Self-employed workers - Ex-offenders
Mobile HR recruiting this has generated blogs, webinars, seminars, e-newsletters and online groups committed to learning more - recruiting via mobile technology is moving at light-speed
Online Recruitment Methods Virtual Job fairs, corporate career websites, webblogs, general prupose job boards (, Niche sites, contract worker sites, hourly worker's sites
Job Search Scam attempt to steal personal information and set up fraudulent credit-card accounts
Traditional External Recruitment Methods Media advertising, Private employment agencies, public employment agencies, recruiters, Job fairs, internships, executive search firms, professional associations, unsolicited applicants (initiative), open houses, event recruiting, sign on bonuses, competitive games
Tailoring Recruitment Methods to Sources Because each organization is unique, so are the types and qualifications of workers needed to fill positions. To be successful, a firm must tailor its recruitment sources and methods to its specific needs.
Reshoring - Reverse of offshoring and involves bringing work back to the United States - Need to calculate the real impact of offshoring bc there are often hidden expenses
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