IT und Gesellschaft Lecture V


Mikael Caselitz
Flashcards by Mikael Caselitz, updated more than 1 year ago
Mikael Caselitz
Created by Mikael Caselitz almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
3 Facets of Cybercrime 1.Traditional: fraud/forgery, committed over electronic cummunication networks and information systems 2. Publication of illegal content over electronic media 3. Crimes unique to electronic networks
Criminal Revenue - Criminal earnings - Minus criminal inputs (investments)
Direct losses Value of losses, damage, or other suffering felt by victims as consequence of cyber-crime
Indirect Losses Value of losses and opporunity costs imoised on society by fact that certain cybercrime is carried out Not be attributed to individual victim...
Defence Cost Cost of prevention efforts - Security products - Security services provided to individuals - Security services provided to industry - Law inforcements
Post-Transaction Marketing (PTM) "subscription traps" - Exploit legal loopholes Of people questioned, 99% regret "purchases" or do not remember
Restore Online Shoppers' Confidence Act (ROSCA) Clear disclosure of terms People do not purchase by default No passing of sensitive information (e g CC) Additional affirmative actions for purchases
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