5. Corporate growth modes and acquisitions


Flashcards on 5. Corporate growth modes and acquisitions, created by Nils von der Heide on 07/12/2018.
Nils von der Heide
Flashcards by Nils von der Heide, updated more than 1 year ago
Nils von der Heide
Created by Nils von der Heide over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name three types of corporate growth modes! - Internal development - Cooperation - Acquisition
Name three dimensions of growth! - Product - Regional - Functional
Name motivations for a M&A from a shareholders perspective! - sales synergies - cost synergies - financial synergies - restructuring
Name motivations for a M&A from a managers perspective! - Power - Job protection
Name the directions where a company can grow and an example each! - vertical (backwards: supplier, forwards: customer) - horizontal (competitor) - lateral (no business relationship)
How can the acquisitions be categorized in terms of value chain relatedness? - concentric (horizontal) - related (vertical) - conglomerate (lateral)
Name the categories for an M&A for following criterias: regional dimension, takeover attitude, payment Regional Dimension: domestic, cross-border Takeover attitude: friendly, hostile Payment: cash, shares
Name positive and negative influencing factors for a successful M&A! + : - Acquisition relatedness - Experience with Acquisitions - : - stock offer - hostile takeover - past performance (acquirer)
Name the three phases of an acquisitions process as well as the pre- and post acquisition activities! Pre: Defining Objectives 1. Acquisition Planning 2. Take-Over 3. Integration Post: Company Restructuring
Name three integration forms of an acquired firm! - Holding (just vertical intervention) - Symbiosis (complete merger in all domains) - Absorption (integration of several business units)
There are five different planes (dimensions) of integration, name them! SOCES: - strategic - organizational - cultural - external - system
How do you create net value in an Acquisition? Value Acquirer + Value Target + Potential for Value Creation (synergies) - cost of value creation = Net Value Creation
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