Quizlet Set 2


This is the 2nd set of flashcards we have made and this time we are doing it a little diffrent
Dawson Moser
Slide Set by Dawson Moser, updated more than 1 year ago
Dawson Moser
Created by Dawson Moser about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    empirea group of people ruled by one leaderMesopotamiaa region in the Fertile Crescent where the first civilization began and known as 'the land between two riverscity-statean independent governed region that is centered around a powerful city and has its own religion, language, laws, etc.zigguratlarge temples built in the center of a city and usually used for religious purposes or celebrationsfertileland that is capable of reproducing cropspolytheismworshiping many godsSumerfirst human civilization in world historycivilizationsociety that has language, religion, division of labor, and social hierarchyHammurabiBabylonia king who codified a set of lawsirrigationwatering crops through man-made efforts such as ditches and canalssurplusa excess amount of something (food)

Slide 2

    cuneiformancient wedge-shaped form of writing used in Mesopotamiacontributionsomething that is given to a society that helps themsocial classpeople having the same social, economic or educational statusstylusshaped tool used to write cuneiformscribeone who can read and writehominida primate that walks upright; only living members are humanshunters and gathererspeople who moved around following wild animals to hunt and wild plants to eatNeolithictime when people stayed in one place to live, raise animals, and crops for food (New Stone Age); people where NOT nomadicPaleolithictime when people got their food by hunting and gathering it (Old Stone Age); people were nomadicprehistorythe time during the development of human culture before the appearance of the written word; before written history
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