A programming language is a set of words, codes, and symbols that allow a programmer to give instructions to the computer.
Many programming languages exist, and each has their own rules, or syntax, for writing these instructions.
Low-level programming languages include machine language and assembly language.
Machine language is referred to as a first generation programming language and is used to communicate directly with the computer.
Difficult to program due to the fact the language consists of 0's and 1's to represent the status of a switch (0 for off and 1 for on).
Assembly language uses the same instructions and structure as machine language, but the programmer is able to use meaningful names or abbreviations instead of numbers.
High-level programming languages are referred to as third generation programming languages, which were first developed in the 1950's.These languages have English-like instructions and are easier to use than machine language.High level programming languages include Fortran, C, Basic, COBOL, and Pascal.In order for a computer to understand a program written in a high-level language, programmers convert the source code into machine language using a compiler or an interpreter.
A compiler is a program that converts an entire program into machine code before the program is executed.An interpreter translates and executes an instruction before moving on to the next instruction.
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Object-oriented Programming
In the 1980's, (OOP) evolved out of the need to better develop complex programs in a systematic, organized approach.
Allows programmers to create modules that can be used over and over again in a variety of programs.
These modules contain code called classes, which group related data and actions.
Include Java, C++, Visual C#, Visual F#, and Visual Basic.