Purge 2 title analysis


title analysis of purge 2
Slide Set by redinwoodie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by redinwoodie about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 2

    58 seconds in...
    Caption: : Text: On June 20th
    All the text is in capital letters, is white and is in the center.The text also glitched on to the screen.The background is mainly black, but it does have a few blue and red highlights.

Slide 3

    1:01 minuets in...
    Caption: : Text: Are you
    All the text is in capital letters, is white and is in the center.The text also glitched in a circle before coming on to the screen.The background is mainly black, but it does have a few blue and red highlights. This has a bit more blue and red than the last title. You can also make out a star in the top left hand corner. It looks like there is a picture behind the title but the overlay hids it from us.

Slide 4

    1:04 minuets in
    All the text is in capital letters, is white and is in the center.The text also glitched in a circle before coming on to the screen.The background is mainly black, but it does have a few blue and red highlights. This has a bit more red than the last title, but alot less blue. The top left hand corner is now black. Now you can also see some white highlights. It looks like there is a picture behind the title but the overlay hids it from us.
    Caption: : Text: Prepared

Slide 5

    1:07 minuets in...
    All the text is in capital letters, is white and is in the center.The text also glitched in a circle before coming on to the screen.The background is mainly black, but it does have a blue and red highlights. This has a bit more red than the last title and the blue in the left hand corner is back. You can also see some more white highlights. You can now relise that the background picture is the american flag, but there is still a black overlay on it.
    Caption: : Text: For anarchy

Slide 6

    1:18 minuets in...
    All the text is in capital letters, is white and is in the center.The text 'anarchy' glitched in a circle before coming on to the screen, while the text 'purge' faded on to the screen. The text is now the actual title of the film.The background is mainly black, but it does have a blue and red highlights. This has a bit more red than the last title and the blue in the left hand corner is back. You also see less white highlights. The background picture of the american flag is more noticeable, but there is still a black overlay on it.
    Caption: : Text: The purge:, Anarchy

Slide 7

    1:21 minuets in...
    All the text is in capital letters, is white and is in the center.The text also faded on to the screen.The background is mainly black, but behind the overlay, you can see that it is zoomed on to the top left hand corner of the American flag. This is so you can see the white stars and blue background.
    Caption: : Text: June 20th

Slide 8

    1:22 minuets in...
    All the text is in capital letters, is white and is in the center.The text 'June 20th' was already on the screen, but the rest of it glitched on to the screen.The background is mainly black, but behind the overlay, you can see that it is zoomed on to the top left hand corner of the American flag. This is so you can see the white stars and blue background.At the bottom of the sceen there is a link to show you where to find the film on facebook. There is also a universal studios logo in the bottom right hand corner.
    Caption: : Text: June 20th, How will you purge?, #/The purgemovie, Auniversal release © 2014 universal studios
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