EIS Lessons 2-4 Study Slideshow with Links to Study Tools
This is for the use of students in 7th Grade at West Middle School to help with Earth in Space Lessons 2-4. There are direct links for other study tools and practice quizzes so that you are ready for the test to come!
Shadows in the Winter and Summer differ because the sun is at different heights so they vary. The winter shadows become longer than those in summer due to the angles.
Summer is experienced in the Northern Hemisphere and winter is experienced in the Southern Hemisphere. I know this because the Northern Hemisphere is receiving direct sunlight while the Southern Hemisphere is receiving indirect.
Summer and Winter
Slide 17
Because throughout the pattern, different sides of the Earth are facing the sun at different times. This is also known as indirect sunlight. This causes one area of the globe to be warm and continue to stay warm for a period of time, while on the other side, it is cold for a period of time.