Salamander Families (Lecture and Lab Overlap)


Herpetology Spring 2020 Slide Set on Salamander Families (Lecture and Lab Overlap), created by Emilie Broussard on 04/02/2020.
Emilie Broussard
Slide Set by Emilie Broussard, updated more than 1 year ago
Emilie Broussard
Created by Emilie Broussard over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Family Cryptobranchidae
    2 genera, 4 sp NA and China & Japan Cryptobranchus in NA Andrias in China and Japan Paedomorphic - Lack eyelids and retain lateral line​​​​​​​ Body and head dorsolateral flattened Aquatic bottom walkers in cold mountain streams Skin heavily folded for cutaneous respiration M construct nests under rocks in streams or in river bank tunnels External fertilization Feed on aquatic inverts by unique asymmetrical suction mechanism

Slide 2

    Family Hynobiidae
    9 genera, 80+ sp Asia, temperate subarctic and mountain species External fertilization (one exception) Most have free swimming larva that undergo complete metamorphosis Mostly terrestrial, one sp is aquatic and lungless Ecological equivalent of NA Ambystomids

Slide 3

    Family Sirenidae
    2 genera, 5 sp Many cryptic species may exist SE US Skeletal anatomy suggests basal to other salamanders Entirely aquatic, paedomorphic Tiny front limbs with 4 toes, no hindlimbs Prominent external gills Probably external fertilization Eggs deposited in small clumps on submerged veg Often filter feed but also capture individual prey ​​​​​​​Horny beak instead of premaxillary teeth Cocoon in layers of epidermal cells during drought, slowing metabolism Occur in slow-moving waters

Slide 4

    Family Amphiumidae
    1 genus, 3 sp SE US Elongate, obligatory paedomorphic, aquatic burrowers Tiny limbs, no external gills, no eyelids Work bottom much and tangles of aquatic systems Fertilization by cloaca-cloaca transfer of spermatophore Eggs deposited on damp land; FM guards Retain pedicellate teeth, have 4 limbs, lack external gills Nocturnal, move overland during rain Aquatic larvae with gills Aestivate during drought
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