Hedonic Calculus


Steps of the Hedonic calculus
Rhodri Davies
Slide Set by Rhodri Davies, updated more than 1 year ago
Rhodri Davies
Created by Rhodri Davies almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Determine the amount of pleasure and pain brought to the person most directly affected by the action. Bentham  has 4 things to measure: 1) The intensity of the pleasure/pain 2) The duration of the pleasure/pain 3) The certainty of the pleasure/pain 4) The remoteness of the pleasure/pain
    Step 1

Slide 2

    Examine the effects of the pleasure/ pain including: 5) The fecundity* of the pleasure/pain 6) The purity** of the pleasure/pain *Fecundity means the tendency of the pleasure to produce other pleasures. **Purity means the tendency of pleasure to only produce pleasure (same for pain)
    Step 2

Slide 3

    This step only comes when considering the effects on others 7) The extent of the pleasure/pain (no. of people affected by the action)
    Step 3

Slide 4

    Calculate the total utility by using 1-7 to count up the amount of pleasure and pain brought by an action.
    Step 4

Slide 5

    If a range of options are available then repeat steps 1-4 for all actions then choose which option produces the most pleasure over pain
    Step 5
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