Medieval Medicine- Plague


User has deleted their subject information Slide Set on Medieval Medicine- Plague, created by Deleted user on 15/12/2017.
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D Mitchell
Created by D Mitchell over 6 years ago
D Mitchell
Copied by D Mitchell over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Plague= a contagious disease Epidemic= a sudden widespread appearance of an infectious disease Bubonic plague= a form of plague whose symptoms include fever, delirium                        and the formation of large buboes Pneumonic plague= a rapidly progressive and frequently fatal form of the                            plague that attacks the lungs and can spread through                            the air 

Slide 2

    Causes of the Black Death
    Invisible fumes spreading across the country Bad smells (miasma) Four Humours were out of balance God was angry not enough people going to church people behaving badly Jews had poisoned the wells and springs An earthquake in China in 1347 Planet alignment 

Slide 3

    Spread of the Plague
    poor nourishment caused weakened immunity crowded, over-populated areas lack of knowledge about illness poor disposal of bodies poor cleanliness and enforcement bad personal hygiene 

Slide 4

    Practice Question
      Did medieval public health help or hinder the spread of the Black Death?
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