Cathy Queen of Cats (from the House on Mango Street)


Use your books, an online dictionary, and each other as resources to help you answer the following:
lanie Beckham
Slide Set by lanie Beckham, updated more than 1 year ago
lanie Beckham
Created by lanie Beckham almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    This ‘vignette’ begins, ‘She says, I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of France.’ The ‘she’ refers to Cathy. What is your impression of Cathy?
    Cathy Queen of Cats

Slide 2

    Recall the definition of 'inference' (or use notes):           Inference: noun           Infer: verb Reread the first half of page 12. Cisneros introduces us (the readers) to ‘Joe the baby-grabber.’ What can you infer about Joe? __________________   And what were the clues given? _____________________   (respond to both questions)   
    Cathy Queen of Cats

Slide 3

    ‘Benny and Blanca own the corner store. They’re okay except don’t lean on the candy counter.’ Cisneros writes with a distinct style that can be difficult for an English language learner or a reader who might be unaccustomed to unpoetic, or pragmatic writing. Can you rewrite this highlighted portion (above) so that it is more accurate?  
    Cathy of Queen of Cats

Slide 4

    ‘Two girls raggedy as rats live across the street.’    Which writing techniques or 'element of style’ does Cisneros use in this sentence?  (to emphasize it, to make it stand out, or to create an image in our minds? ) ___________________  
    Cathy Queen of Cats

Slide 5

    On page 13, the first paragraph, which word is repeated multiple times? _________ Is this repetition an example of ‘redundancy’? (remember the definition of redundancy?) IF not, what should you do before answering? :) AND EXPLAIN.    
    Cathy Queen of Cats

Slide 6

    Which sentence on page 13 supports the inference that Cathy likes to exaggerate and brag?  
    Cathy Queen of Cats

Slide 7

      Find an example of ALLITERATION in the last paragraph of page 13.
    Cathy Queen of Cats

Slide 8

    Cathy Queen of Cats
    What might Cathy’s family think of Mango Street and the neighborhood?

Slide 9

    Why do you think Cisneros would include this vignette ‘Cathy Queen of Cats’ in The House on Mango Street?     And what do you think is the single most important message in all of this one? (just pgs 12-13)   (respond to both)
    Cathy Queen of Cats
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