[Notes Test] SCI 4 - July Exam (L1 - L4)


Grade 4 (Science) Quiz on [Notes Test] SCI 4 - July Exam (L1 - L4), created by Jocelyn Bernales on 03/07/2017.
Jocelyn Bernales
Quiz by Jocelyn Bernales, updated more than 1 year ago
Jocelyn Bernales
Created by Jocelyn Bernales about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Lesson 1 – Properties of Matter Pro[blank_start]perty[blank_end] –observable characteristics in an object Ge[blank_start]neral[blank_end] properties – observed in all kinds of matter Spe[blank_start]cial[blank_end] properties – only in certain group *General Properties: 1. M[blank_start]ass[blank_end] – amount of matter an object has 2. W[blank_start]eight[blank_end] – gravitational pull on mater 3. V[blank_start]olume[blank_end] – space occupied by matter • We[blank_start]igh[blank_end]ing s[blank_start]cale[blank_end] – use to measure weight or mass • R[blank_start]ule[blank_end]r – use to measure volume of objects with regular shape • B[blank_start]eake[blank_end]r – use to measure the volume of liquids and irregular shaped solids • Dis[blank_start]place[blank_end]ment method – measure volume of objects with irregular shape. • Den[blank_start]sity[blank_end] – the mass per unit volume of a material • Con[blank_start]ductor[blank_end]s – materials that allows the flow of heat or electricity • Non[blank_start]conductor[blank_end]s – cannot withstand heat or electricity • Buo[blank_start]yan[blank_end]cy – upward force exerted by fluid, opposing the weight of an immersed object
  • perty
  • neral
  • cial
  • ass
  • eight
  • olume
  • igh
  • cale
  • ule
  • eake
  • place
  • sity
  • ductor
  • conductor
  • yan

Question 2

*Special Properties of Solids 1. H[blank_start]ard[blank_end]ness - 2. Sm[blank_start]ooth[blank_end]ness – determined by sense of touch 3. Bri[blank_start]ttle[blank_end]ness – ability to break easily 4. Buo[blank_start]yan[blank_end]cy – ability to resist sinking 5. Con[blank_start]ducti[blank_end]bility – ability to allow the flow of heat or electricity 6. Mag[blank_start]net[blank_end]ism – attraction to magnets 7. Elas[blank_start]tici[blank_end]ty – can stretch and return to original shape 8. Ma[blank_start]lleabi[blank_end]lity – ability to be pounded into thin sheets 9. Po[blank_start]rosi[blank_end]ty – ability to absorb and hold liquids
  • ooth
  • ard
  • ttle
  • yan
  • ducti
  • net
  • tici
  • lleabi
  • rosi

Question 3

Special Properties of Liquids 1. Fl[blank_start]uid[blank_end]ity – ability to flow 2. Vis[blank_start]cosi[blank_end]ty – quality of being thick and thin, or sticky *Special Properties of Gas 1. Di[blank_start]ffusi[blank_end]bility – ability to spread out or expands 2. Com[blank_start]pressi[blank_end]bility – ability to be squeezed in a container.
  • uid
  • cosi
  • ffusi
  • pressi

Question 4

Lesson 2 – Product Labels and Proper Waste Disposal Product Labels: 1. Nut[blank_start]ritio[blank_end]nal F[blank_start]ac[blank_end]ts – amount of each nutrient 2. Ac[blank_start]tiv[blank_end]e Ing[blank_start]redi[blank_end]ent – substance that brings the desired effect of product 3. Ex[blank_start]pira[blank_end]tion D[blank_start]at[blank_end]e – until when the product is safe 4. Di[blank_start]rect[blank_end]ions – procedure in using the product 5. U[blank_start]se[blank_end]s – what the product is for 6. W[blank_start]arn[blank_end]ings – cautions regarding possible harm 7. In[blank_start]activ[blank_end]e ing[blank_start]redi[blank_end]ents 8. Pro[blank_start]duc[blank_end]t des[blank_start]crip[blank_end]tion
  • ritio
  • ac
  • tiv
  • redi
  • pira
  • at
  • rect
  • se
  • arn
  • activ
  • redi
  • duc
  • crip

Question 5

Lesson 2 *5 R’s in Waste Management 1. Re[blank_start]duc[blank_end]e – use less 2. Re[blank_start]us[blank_end]e – donate old things, or keep for younger siblings 3. Re[blank_start]cycl[blank_end]e – process used or waste materials into a new product 4. Res[blank_start]pec[blank_end]t – follow local ordinance on how to dispose trash properly 5. Res[blank_start]ponsibil[blank_end]ity – practice waste management
  • duc
  • us
  • cycl
  • pec
  • ponsibil

Question 6

Lesson 2 – Product Labels and Proper Waste Disposal • Pe[blank_start]rish[blank_end]able – materials that spoil easily (meat, fish, fruits, veges) • Fla[blank_start]mma[blank_end]ble – materials that can burn easily • Cor[blank_start]ros[blank_end]ive sub[blank_start]stan[blank_end]ce – destroys and damages other substance • W[blank_start]ast[blank_end]e Ma[blank_start]nage[blank_end]ment – collecting, transporting, disposing, and managing of waste materials • Rec[blank_start]yclab[blank_end]le wa[blank_start]st[blank_end]e – waste that can potentially recycled • Seg[blank_start]regat[blank_end]ion – process of separating waste materials into biodegradable and nonbiodegradable • Bio[blank_start]degrad[blank_end]able m[blank_start]ater[blank_end]ials – waste that can decay (kitchen and food waste) • N[blank_start]onbio[blank_end]degradable mate[blank_start]rial[blank_end]s - permanent garbage, do not decay or decompose (plastics, tin cans)
  • rish
  • mma
  • ros
  • stan
  • ast
  • nage
  • yclab
  • st
  • regat
  • degrad
  • onbio
  • ater
  • rial

Question 7

Lesson 3 - Changes in Matter TERMS: • Ph[blank_start]ysic[blank_end]al Cha[blank_start]ng[blank_end]e -change in size, shape, state of matter – change in physical appearance • Che[blank_start]mic[blank_end]al C[blank_start]han[blank_end]ge – brings about a new material with different properties • A[blank_start]sh[blank_end] – produced after a material is burned PHYSICAL CHANGES: 1. M[blank_start]elt[blank_end]ing - solid to liquid 2. F[blank_start]reez[blank_end]ing - liquid to solid 3. Ev[blank_start]aporat[blank_end]ion - liquid to gas – water vapor 4. Co[blank_start]ndens[blank_end]ation - gas to liquid – clouds formation 5. Su[blank_start]blim[blank_end]ation - solid to gas – dry ice, moothballs 6. De[blank_start]posi[blank_end]tion - from gas to solid – frost, snow formation
  • ysic
  • ng
  • mic
  • han
  • sh
  • elt
  • reez
  • aporat
  • ndens
  • blim
  • posi

Question 8

Lesson 3 - CHEMICAL CHANGES: 1. R[blank_start]ipe[blank_end]ning – chemical change that happens in fruits 2. R[blank_start]ust[blank_end]ing – chemical change that happens in iron 3. S[blank_start]poil[blank_end]ing – happens in fruits that is not consumed 4. B[blank_start]urn[blank_end]ing – turns matter into ash and carbon dioxide 5. D[blank_start]igest[blank_end]ion – absorption of food nutrients 6. Ph[blank_start]otosyn[blank_end]thesis – plants making food Evidence of CHEMICAL CHANGE 1. Release of li[blank_start]gh[blank_end]t and he[blank_start]at[blank_end] – burning 2. Fiz[blank_start]zi[blank_end]ng or g[blank_start]a[blank_end]s formation – antacid, airborne tablet 3. Co[blank_start]lo[blank_end]r Change - Fruit ripening, iron rusting, hair dying 4. Ta[blank_start]st[blank_end]e, od[blank_start]o[blank_end]r and sm[blank_start]e[blank_end]ll change - fruit ripening and decaying/spoiling –
  • ipe
  • ust
  • poil
  • urn
  • igest
  • otosyn
  • gh
  • at
  • zi
  • a
  • lo
  • st
  • o
  • e

Question 9

Lesson 4 - Useful and Harmful Effects of Change Useful or Beneficial Effects: 1. Cl[blank_start]oud[blank_end]s - collected water vapor in the air that transformed to liquid form because of temperature change 2. R[blank_start]ai[blank_end]n - nature’s way of watering plants 3. Pho[blank_start]tosynthe[blank_end]sis - food making process in plants 4. Food D[blank_start]igest[blank_end]ion - breakdown of food to different nutrients needed by the body
  • oud
  • ai
  • tosynthe
  • igest

Question 10

Lesson 4 - Harmful Effects 1. Fl[blank_start]oo[blank_end]d - caused by Too much rain 2. A[blank_start]ci[blank_end]d R[blank_start]a[blank_end]in - rain reacting with chemicals from smoke belching cars and factories -> harmful to living and [blank_start]non[blank_end]-living things 3. Po[blank_start]llut[blank_end]ion - result of addition of harmful materials to the environment -> can cause different diseases 4. Gl[blank_start]oba[blank_end]l W[blank_start]arm[blank_end]ing - increase in the temp[blank_start]era[blank_end]ture of Earth, caused by increase in green[blank_start]hou[blank_end]se gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide 5. F[blank_start]oo[blank_end]d Po[blank_start]ison[blank_end]ing - caused by eating spoiled or contaminated food B[blank_start]urn[blank_end]ing (garbage, fuels in cars and factories) - produced Car[blank_start]bo[blank_end]n Di[blank_start]ox[blank_end]ide  -> can lead to Gl[blank_start]ob[blank_end]al W[blank_start]arm[blank_end]ing when continuously increases
  • oo
  • ci
  • a
  • non
  • llut
  • oba
  • arm
  • era
  • hou
  • oo
  • ison
  • urn
  • bo
  • ox
  • ob
  • arm
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