Chapter 7 and 8


Quiz on Chapter 7 and 8 , created by Amanda Burton on 11/12/2017.
Amanda Burton
Quiz by Amanda Burton, updated more than 1 year ago
Amanda Burton
Created by Amanda Burton over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What form of communication is this, "Your hair is red- I have a red dress- I like red apples- apples, oranges, pears- you are shaped like a pear...."?
  • Loose association
  • Neologism
  • Echolalia
  • Flight of ideas

Question 2

What form of communication of this, "And I need help-help-help-help-help...."?
  • Echolalia
  • Flight of ideas
  • Blocking
  • Verbigeration

Question 3

What form of communication of this, "Need a bath, need a bath, need a bath, need a bath...." ?
  • Verbigeration
  • Loose association
  • Echolalia
  • Neologism

Question 4

What form of communication is this, "Whymothig' is used to describe a puzzle." ?
  • Neologism
  • Blocking
  • Flight of ideas
  • Loose association

Question 5

What form of communication is this, "I like to go camping- that book is old- my necklace is broke- the sky is cloudy- fish are lucky...."?
  • Flight of ideas
  • Neologism
  • Verbigeration
  • Loose association

Question 6

What form of communication is this, "I have not seen my mother in 5 years.... I need to go to the bathroom...."
  • Blocking
  • Verbigeration
  • Flight of ideas
  • Loose association

Question 7

A client tells the nurse, "The voices say that I am evil and I am going to be punished." Which of the following would be the most therapeutic response?"
  • "The voices are not real so why are you worrying about it?"
  • "I don't hear the voices, but the words must be frightening for you."
  • "You are imagining the worst when nothing is going to happen."
  • "How can you hear voices when you and I are the only ones in this room?"

Question 8

Verbal communication is about 7% of communication used how much is nonverbal?
  • 93%
  • 80%
  • 10%
  • 25%

Question 9

This is he exchange of information using words, such as through speaking, listening, writing, or reading.
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Verbal communication
  • Open ended questions
  • Therapeutic communication

Question 10

This is the exchange of information without using words, for example, through body language, space, or touch.
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Verbal communication
  • Therapeutic communication
  • Open ended questions

Question 11

Time is money and communication isn't that important in the nursing field.
  • True
  • False

Question 12

The nurse is caring for a client who says, "I feel like I will never be able to leave this hospital." The nurse's most therapeutic reply would be:
  • "You don't need to worry about that. We can only keep you for a certain length of time."
  • "You keep working on your problem and you will be out of here before you know it"
  • "Everyone feels like it is hopeless, but we will discharge you when you are better."
  • "You feel as though you will not get better and leave the unit?"

Question 13

During a conversation a client tells the nurse, "My husband left me 6 months ago." The nurse notes that the client is repeatedly twisting strands of her hair. The most appropriate technique for the nurse to utilize at this time would be:
  • Silence
  • Verification
  • Restating
  • Focusing

Question 14

When initiating interaction with a client, which of the following would be most appropriate to open the communication?
  • "How would you describe what you are feeling today?"
  • "Tell me about your family."
  • "Do you always look at things in such a negative way?"
  • "You are sad today because no one is talking to you?"

Question 15

A client who will be having several diagnostic tests the following day complains of being unable to sleep. When the client says, "I am so afraid something is really wrong with me," which of the following responses would be most therapeutic?
  • "You seem worried about the results of your tests. Would you like to talk about it?"
  • "It is important that you get some sleep. I will see what the doctor ordered to help you rest."
  • "You really need to believe that everything will turn out okay."
  • "Your doctor performs these tests every day. Everything will be fine."

Question 16

A tall muscular client jokingly says, "You nurses are bossy just like my wife. In fact, every woman I know tires to put me in a dog chain." Which of the following would best clarify the nurse's perception of the client's statement?
  • "Why do you think women try o push you around?"
  • "I can't believe women can do that to someone like you!"
  • "You don't have to put up with that kind of treatment."
  • "You feel a lack of control in your life. Is that correct?"

Question 17

A client with a history of alcohol abuse tells the nurse, "I haven't always drank this much, but lately my life has just gone to the pot." The nurse notes the client is rubbing his hands together and squirming in his seat. Which of the following responses would be appropriate at this time?
  • "Go on..."
  • "Why do you think your life has gone to pot?"
  • "Are you blaming someone else for your drinking?"
  • "What could be so bad that you need to drink more?"

Question 18

A client is talking about his family and suddenly changes the subject to what television show is his favorite. Which of the following strategies by the nurse would best elicit more information about the client's family situation?
  • "Is there some connection between the TV show and your family?"
  • "Why did you change the subject?"
  • "Are you uncomfortable talking about your family?"
  • "Let's get back to your family..."

Question 19

Your communicating with a client and your running into blocks of communication, Your giving advice and seemingly says that your values are correct and devalues the client's actions. Pick which questions would be a therapeutic response vs non-therapeutic.
  • "You should not be so hard on your kids."
  • "It seems your kids are a problem for you..."
  • "If I were you, I would do what the doctor says."
  • "Can you tell me what is bothering you about what the doctor has told you?"

Question 20

Nonverbal communication in action this is congruent with verbal message and assures the client of your interest and attention.
  • Facial expression
  • Position
  • Gestures
  • Eye contact

Question 21

Nonverbal communication in action so fingers and hands can sometimes say more than words and conveys a sense of openness to the client. A seated position with legs together and both feet on the floor with arms uncrossed reflects an attitude of acceptance and genuineness.
  • Gestures
  • Eye contact
  • Personal space
  • Position

Question 22

A nonverbal communication in action that helps provide reassurance that you are interested and concentrating on what the client is saying.
  • Eye contact
  • Gestures
  • Appearance
  • Facial expression

Question 23

Personal space between the client and yourself helps the client feel safe. In most people, this is about how far from the client.
  • 2 to 4 ft
  • 5 to 10 inches
  • 5 to 10 ft
  • 12 to 25 ft

Question 24

The ability to hear what another person says and to borrow hose feelings to perceive a situation from that person's viewpoint is referred to as [blank_start]Empathy[blank_end].
  • Empathy
  • Sympathy

Question 25

Which of the following is the most appropriate phrase for listening attentively using both mind and body.
  • Active listening
  • Self- awareness
  • Orientation phase
  • Working stage

Question 26

Which of the following is the most appropriate phrase for period of planning outcomes and interventions towards behavior change with improved client well-being.
  • Working stage
  • Orientation phase
  • Holistic
  • Professional boundaries

Question 27

Which of the following is the most appropriate phrase for consciousness of own individuality and personality.
  • Self-awareness
  • Holistic
  • Active listening
  • Working stage

Question 28

Which of the following is the most appropriate phrase for totality of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual functioning of an individual.
  • Holistic
  • Orientation phase
  • Active listening
  • Professional boundaries

Question 29

Which of the following is the most appropriate phrase for gaps between the control of the nurse and the vulnerable state of the client.
  • Professional boundaries
  • Working stage
  • Active listening
  • Holistic

Question 30

Which of the following is the most appropriate phrase for time of building trust, establishing roles, and identifying problems and expectations.
  • Working stage
  • Orientation phase
  • Active listening
  • Holistic

Question 31

The nurse is working with a client who says, "You are the only one who really cares about me. I feel like everyone else is giving me the shove just because I a getting out of here this week." Which of the following is indicated by the client's statement?
  • Avoidance
  • Withdrawal
  • Ambivalence
  • Manipulation

Question 32

During a discussion between the nurse and a client, the client suddenly starts shouting and tightening his fists. Which of the following would be an appropriate action for the nurse at this time?
  • Change the subject or topic of discussion
  • Tell the client he will be secluded if he continues
  • Touch the client's arm and ask him to calm down
  • Walk away from the client without responding

Question 33

The nurse is explaining the content of a contract with guidelines for behavior to a client in the nursing unit. Which phase of the therapeutic relationship is the nurse facilitating?
  • Orientation phase
  • Working phase
  • Termination phase
  • Self-awareness

Question 34

Which of the following statements best describes the role of the nurse in terminating the therapeutic relationship with the client?
  • To reduce the amount of time spent with the client
  • Encouraging independence and self-reliance of the client
  • Reinforcing continued support following discharge
  • Discussing possible solutions to the present problem

Question 35

In which of the following situations has the nurse violated professional boundaries in the nurse-client relationship?
  • Encouraged client to discuss feelings of remorse over rejection by another client
  • Agreed to relay personal information about the client to the therapist
  • Returned cell phone call received from a client discharged two weeks earlier
  • Assisted a disabled client with physical hygiene and bathing

Question 36

A client tells the nurse, "I feel so secure when I am with you. Don't tell the others, but you are the best nurse here." What is the most appropriate response for the nurse at this time?
  • "I am glad you feel secure with me. I will try to spend more time with you."
  • "You don't mean that. There are many good nurses here."
  • "Why do you feel more secure with me than the others?"
  • "It seems as though you are feeling anxious. Can you tell me about that?"

Question 37

Which of the following behaviors by the nurse would be considered a violation of professional boundaries in the nurse-client relationship?
  • Accepting a gift from a client
  • Showing genuine concern for the client
  • Listening while client talks about a problem with intimacy
  • Talking with client in privacy of client's room

Question 38

A nurse is assisting in conducting a class on therapeutic communication to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following aspects of communication should the nurse identify as a component of verbal communication?
  • Personal space
  • Posture
  • Eye contact
  • Intonation

Question 39

A nurse in an acute mental health facility is communicating with a client. The client states, "I can't sleep. I stay up all night." The nurse responds, " You are having difficulty sleeping?" Which of the following therapeutic communication techniques is the nurse demonstrating?
  • Offering general leads
  • Summarizing
  • Focusing
  • Restating

Question 40

A nurse is communicating with a client who was just admitted for treatment of a substance use disorder. Which of the following communication techniques should the nurse identify as a barrier to therapeutic communication?
  • Offering advice
  • Reflecting
  • Listening attentively
  • Giving information

Question 41

A nurse is caring for a client who has anorexia nervosa. Which of he following examples demonstrates the nurse's use of interpersonal communication?
  • The nurse discusses the client's weight loss during a health care team meeting.
  • The nurse examines her own personal feelings about clients who have anorexia nervosa.
  • The nurse asks the client about her body image perception.
  • The nurse assists in presenting an educational session about anorexia nervosa to a large group of adolescents.

Question 42

A nurse is caring for the parents of a child who has demonstrated recent changes in behavior and mood. When the mother of the child asks the nurse for reassurance about her son's condition, which of the following responses should the nurse make?
  • "I think your son is getting better. What have you noticed?"
  • "I'm sure everything will be okay, It just takes time to heal."
  • "I'm not sure what's wrong. Have you asked the doctor about your concerns?"
  • "I understand you're concerned. Let's discuss what concerns you specifically."

Question 43

A nurse is talking with a client who is at risk for suicide following the death of his partner. Which of the following statements should the nurse make?
  • "I feel very sorry for the loneliness you must be experiencing."
  • "Suicide is not the appropriate way to cope with loss."
  • "Losing someone close to you must be very upsetting."
  • "I know how difficult it is to lose a loved one."

Question 44

A nurse is in the working phase of a therapeutic relationship with a client who has methamphetamine use disorder. Which of the following actions indicates transference behavior?
  • The client asks the nurse whether she will go out to dinner with him.
  • The client accuses the nurse of telling him what to do just like his ex-girlfriend.
  • The client reminds the nurse of a friend who died from a substance overdose.
  • The client becomes angry an threaten harm to himself.

Question 45

A nurse assisting with the plan of care for the termination phase of a nurse-client relationship. Which of the following actions should the nurse recommend?
  • Reinforcing ways to use new behaviors
  • Practicing new problem-solving skills
  • Developing goals
  • Establishing boundaries

Question 46

A nurse is orienting a new client to a mental health unit. When explaining the unit's community meetings, which of the following statements should the nurse make?
  • "You and a group of other clients will meet to discuss your treatment plans."
  • "Community meetings have a specific agenda that is established by staff."
  • "You and the other clients will meet with staff to discuss common problems."
  • "Community meetings are an excellent opportunity to explore your personal mental health issues.
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