

Master of Everything RS Note on Buddhism, created by Grace Pulling on 11/05/2013.
Grace Pulling
Note by Grace Pulling, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Pulling
Created by Grace Pulling over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Siddhartha Gotama – Quote: ‘Our life is shaped by our mind: we become what we think.’ ·       Royal Life ·       Realized how much suffering there is ·       Against family’s wishes, he left home and tried to find an answer ·       After 7 years he achieved enlightenment ·       From his theory, he developed a knowledge of life’s ‘system’   No Soul – 3 Universal Truths & Transfer of Energy ·       Anicca – nothing is permanent, always changing ·       Anatta – nothing has a permanent identity i.e. a bicycle ·       Dukkha – craving, unsatisfactoriness, always something more ·       There is no self ·       Once someone dies their energy is passed on, not their soul   Answer to Suffering – Four Noble Truths, 8 Fold Path (world- wide known symbol) & the Middle Way  ·       Buddha’s awakening – all beings suffer, suffering has a cause (craving), it is possible to escape suffering, there is a path to freedom from suffering (called the Middle Way). ·        The middle way – eight ways of thinking: right concentration, right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness (think M.U.S.I.C.A.L.E) ·       By following these and providing for you self (what you need) you will live the middle way and are closer to escape suffering. ·       I believe – that providing for yourself is luxury in a way because you are not poor. ·       Devised this system to guide people through different values and morals to help them achieve happiness. Karma – 10 Negative Actions, rebirth (next life) ·       Karma: every action has a consequence ·       Ten negative actions – killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, saying things that hurt people, saying things that cause division between people, gossiping, harmful thoughts, envy, holding wrong views about Buddhism ·       Good and bad Karma ·       Doing something bad can get you born in another life into a bad situation.  Samsara – Realms, rebirth (cont.) & Yama ·       Rebirth not reincarnation ·       The wheel of life – travelling up and down into different realms ·       In the center: pigeon (ignorance), Pig (desire), Snake (hatred) ·       12 links – different sufferings caused by ignorance ·       The god realm, demi-god realm, human realm, animal realm, land of the hungry ghosts, hell realm ·       The demi god realm – result of living a good life but being jealous ·       The land of the hungry ghosts – constantly wants things but is never satisfied (there for 15,000 years) ·       Yama – lord of death, wheel is in his mouth, cycle of death Relation between Karma & Samsara ·       If you do something bad in one realm you will move down i.e. a murderer will be born into the death realm ·       You can move up realms in result of good karma ·       Past lives effect your current life Ultimate Goal – Nirvana, Gods & Enlightenment ·       Suffering ceases to exist once you have reached nirvana (after god realm) ·       All desires have been extinguished ·       A person can achieve nirvana in their lifetime if they were born into a high realm ·       In a state of pure peace and happiness ·       You are free from Yama, escaping the wheel of life (Samsara) and you will never be reborn again. The Buddhist Community ·       Bhikkus start to become a monk at an early age so they can receive a good education ·       Their possessions are simple orange robes and a brass bowl to receive offerings. ·       When you are a monk your needs are taken care of, you have free time, you gain enlightenment and merit, you are less stressed and have a better understanding of Buddhism ·       After leaving the monastery a Buddhists may use his knowledge to help his former community in developing it. ·       Upasakas are Buddhists who give gifts to the monks, this benefits them as they are living the middle way – providing for themselves and helping others. Teachings on Society ·       Friends – be helpful, respectful and caring. Be good influences, give gifts, do not share their secrets, and put your self in their shoes. ·       Teachers – Respect them, consider their advice, and help them to help you. ·       Employees – do not over work them, pay and feed them enough, do not exploit them. ·       Parents – Having been supported by them: you should support them, repay them for what they have done for you, and respect them. ·       Partners – a man should look after his partner, respect and not criticize her, be faithful and loyal, give her authority in the home, bring gifts, she should do her duties: treating his family like her own, being clever and faithful, hardworking, and protecting the family’s possessions.  


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