Private Links Features


Advantages of using GoConqr Private Links
Paul  McChrystal
Note by Paul McChrystal, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Micheal Heffernan
Created by Micheal Heffernan over 8 years ago
Paul  McChrystal
Copied by Paul McChrystal almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Secure Sharing

Private Links enables Campus Admins to share content quickly and securely with both users and non-users alike.

While sharing content with your Campus colleagues is easy to do, what happens in the event that you need to share content with people who are not Campus members? Private Links allows you to do just this by sharing resources externally.This is ideal for actions such as pre-screening job candidates as part of the recruitment process (for example, by sharing a Quiz to test aptitude in a particular area). These resources can be accessed remotely by non-members by simply clicking on unique hyperlink. Private Links can also be used for areas such as: Employee induction training Compliance training Health & safety Product training

You can share content externally with groups of non-members or with individuals. You can also keep track of the number of views your content had per user, along with how they performed on the content you shared with them (in the case of Quizzes and Flashcards).

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Tracking & Reporting

Measuring performance is the best way of understanding how to effectively improve it. Reporting lets you do just that.

Measuring performance over time can play a key part in helping to identify a number of important things. For one, it gives you greater insight into your employees' strengths, needs and areas of progress. It also allows you to understand how your content is performing so that you can tailor it to maximise its engagement and effectiveness.

Running a Report

Running a Report lets you see how users are performing on company Quizzes. When doing this, you will be presented with a number of options so that you can customise your Report in order to obtain the information you are looking for.For example, you can choose the start date the Report to measure progress over time; select the Groups or content you wish to run a Report on; or opt to generate a Report on an individual user, or tailored Group of individuals.

Performance Tracking

Once you are happy with your selections, clicking the Run Report button will bring up a performance overview displaying user scores, a breakdown of how they performed on each question, and the number of times a piece of content was viewed, by whom and when. You can sort these results by user name or by score.Such information is valuable for determining what learning or training style works best per user, and allows trainers to make changes to their content learning material and strategies in order to increase their effectiveness.

So with that brief run-down of some of the exclusive features of GoConqr Campus done and dusted, it's time to log in, join your colleagues, and explore the potential of Campus to learn more and go further!

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