Created by Louise Prytz
almost 11 years ago
Global context Involves tensions between nations and states, contradictions, local diversity and conflict among states.Nations and states rarely coincide.Interests, identities and institutions have become global.Global institutions such as Greenpeace, Amnesty International and global actors such as the United Nations and the European Union.
Domestic interests, identities and institutions IntressenMänniskor är rationella varelser som strävar efter sina intressenAnledningen till att folk engagerar sig i politikIntressegrupperIdentiteterMänniskor är menings-sökande varelser som definieras av sina identiteterInstitutionerMänniskors intressen och identiteter formas av och eftersträvas inom institutioner.
(1) The global context influences (2) domestic interests, identities, and institutions that produce (3) developmental paths to the modern world, that in turn, generate (4) comparative-politics feedback effects on domestic interests, identities, and institutions and (5) international-relations feedback effects on the global context.
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