Created by charlotte1357
about 11 years ago
Past Tense AVOIR/ETRE + PAST PARTICIPLEEnglish - I have watched - I have doneFrench : Chanter -> chanté (sung) Finir -> Fini (finished) Vendre -> vendu (sold)
Imperfect TO FORM IT:1) take the nous from of the verb in the present tense2) take off the -ons3) add the imperfect endingsanother past tense. describes something that used to happen.or describes something that was happening.imperfect endings:-ais-ais-ait-ions-iez-aient
ConditionalDescribes something that would/could happen.TO FORM IT:1) take the infinitive stem (future irregular stem sometimes)2) add the imperfecct endingirregular stems for v. commonly used verbs:aller -> ir_être -> ser_avoir -> aur_
Near Futuremeans 'I am going to _'TO FORM IT:aller in present + infinitivealler:je vais tu vasil vanous allonsvous allezils vontexample - je vais preparer le repas.
Futuremeans 'I will __'TO FORM IT:infinitive + future endingsendings:-ai-as-a-ons-ez-ontcareful - some verbs have an irregular stem
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