Created by elise.harwell
about 11 years ago
1) The partive articles express the idea of some or any, or a part/portion of a whole item.
Masculine: du sucre
Feminine: de la farine
Singular word beginning with a vowel: de l'huile
Plural: des petits pois
Tu veux du gâteau ou de la tarte?Do you want (some) cake or (some) pie?
2) The forms of the partive change to de (d') in a negative sentence and after words of quantity like beaucoup.
Il y a de la farine, mais il n'y a pas d'ail.
Karine mange beaucoup de cerises.
3) To talk about a whole item, use the indefinite articles un, une, or des.
Nous achetons une tarte aux pommes.
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