biology 5-9


junior certificate maths, science, technology,french (science) Note on biology 5-9, created by ady2700 on 06/10/2015.
Note by ady2700, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ady2700 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

5.Respiration Respiration is the release of energy from food Aerobic respiration needs oxygen to release energy from food The equation for aerobic respiration is: food+oxygen---> energy + carbon dioxide + water vapour Carbon dioxide turns limewater milky Cobalt chloride turns pink in the presence of water Exercise increases the rate of breathing in order to supply extra oxygen Remove the extra waste products formed during increased respiration Respiration is the release of energy from glucose. Breathing involves taking gases in and out of the body. The parts and functions of the breathing system: the nose cleans, warms and moistens air the trachea (windpipe) allows air to pass to and from the lungs the bronchi allow air to pass to and from the trachea the bronchioles allow air to pass to and from the alveoli the alveoli allow gas exchange the diaphragm and intercostal muscles cause air to move in or out of the lungs In the lungs: oxygen passes from the alveoli into the blood carbon dioxide and water pass from the blood into the alveoli Smoking damages health by: clogging hairs in the nose increasing mucous in the breathing system increasing the risk of lung infections and cancers increasing the risk of heart attacks damaging the growth of a baby in the womb

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