Ch.3: Conservation Organisations and Designated Areas


A brief overview of Governmental and Non-governmental organisations involved in wildlife conservation in the UK, plus the designated areas and their functions
Note by ele_jane97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ele_jane97 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Natural EnglandAims; Healthy Environment Enjoyment of environment Sustainable use of environment Secure environmental future Activities: Ecological research Management grants Advice on conservation Designation of protected areas

DEFRAAims; Energy/climate change concern Sustainable food/farming sector Sustainable rural communities Sustainable consumption/production Protection of countryside/resources Activities: Ramsar Sites Biodiversity Action Plan; Local, Species, Habitat Agri-environmental schemes

RSPBAims; Birds & wetlands conservation Energy Pollution Transport Agriculture Activities: Raise awareness Education Research grants Lobbying governments/industries Joint activities with other organisations

WWFAims; Raise public awareness Lobbying governments/industries Education Funding for environmental projects Campaigns: Food miles Global climate change Waste disposal Endangered species Transport Home energy conservation

Governmental Organisations:

Non-Governmental Organisations:

Designated Areas and their Functions:

SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest):SSSIs are designated by Natural England under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.They are areas of interest, containing plants, animals, geological landforms and features.SSSIs are not automatically open to the public, therefore owners must consult with Natural England if they wish ton carry out activities or gain access.Owners are provided with ideal management plans and sometimes grants to help carry these plans out.SSSIs don't protect against all threats, but are considered important where large-scale developments are concerned.

National Nature Reserves:NNRs are designated by Natural England under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act.They aim to secure protection and appropriate management to important wildlife habitats and provide a source for scientific research and non-compromising recreational activities.NNRs are managed by approved organisations, such as the RSPB and The National Trust

Local Nature Reserves:LNR's are owned /controlled by local authorities for the benefit of wildlife and the public.The protect areas from damaging activities inside the reserve and on the surrounding land.

Marine Nature Reserves:MNRs conserve the opportunity to study marine life and interesting geological and physiological features

Special Protection Areas:SPAs are designated under the EU Birds Directive.  They help protect and manage areas important to rare and vulnerable birds.

Special Areas of Conservation:SACs are designated under the EU Habitats Directive.  They provide increased protection for rare and vulnerable animal, plants and habitats.

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