
VCE Religion and Society (Historical Challenge to Religion (Darwinism)) Note on U4AOS1, created by Winbaj08 on 09/09/2013.
Note by Winbaj08, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Winbaj08 over 11 years ago

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In 1859 Charles Darwin published “The Origin of Species” where he stated that, all beings descended from one or more common ancestors through the process of natural selection Challenge Influenced by the historical challenges made before such as Copernicus (1543) and Galileo (1616) Confronted the beliefs, the authority, sacred scriptures and the literal teachings Forced the Roman Catholic Tradition to respond to its claims of evolution through the lens of God as creator Highly suspicious of the theory whilst careful not to risk its own credibility Darwin's theory indirectly addresses the churches beliefs regarding The fixed order of being, The literal truth of scripture, The place of humanity in the universe, The goodness of God Revolutionised and helped to form the modern understanding of science and its co-existance with the Roman Catholic Tradition

Copernicus Darwin's challenge was preceded by the Protestant reformation 1517. Martin Luther, protested against the Roman Catholic Tradition by attacking the excesses within the church, stating that people should be free to interpret scripture as they please Copernicus challenged the church by stating that the earth was not the centre of the universe and in fact revolves around the sun. (Heliocentric Planetary Theory) This was an Internal Challenge The clashed with acceptance of the popular Aristotelian Ptolemaic/Geocentric system the earth stood still, never to be moved” ( 1 Chronicles 16:30) 1514 the Lateran council requested of Copernicus that he reform the ecclesiastical calender and such he created the Georgian Calendar Contradicted beliefs and sacred texts relating to earth’s centrality and how Gods interplay in creation was affected. Joshua 10:13 “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon. So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped” Response: Branded Heretic, March 1616 books placed upon index, Reaffirmed beliefs His supporters faced prosecution by the church Churches Authority did not come into question as a result of the Copernicus challenge Galileo Galileo's invention of the telescope brought back Copernicus theory with proof This was another internal challenge Thought he could prove Copernicus Heliocentric Theory as he witnessed the universe through his telescope However it only disproved the Ptolemaic system Galileo taught the theory as fact which forced the church to make Galileo promise to teach only as hypothesis RCT was ruthless in its public shaming and silencing of Galileo Galileo was branded as anti-scriptual, heretical, placed under house arrest and his works determined to be forbidden by the index The Church in the uneducated societies eyes was proven false and they begun to question it's literality Galileo's challenge became a point of humiliation for the church and the shadow of Galileo remains to the current day

Copernicus and Galileo were merely setting the scene for one of the greatest challenges to face the Roman Catholic Tradition 1859 Charles Darwin published 'On the origin of species' This book proposed the solution to the origin of man Darwin suggested that over millions of years evolution occurred resulting in mankind Challenged the churches opinion that the earth was relatively young and contrasted the Fixed order of being, The literal truth of scripture, Humanity’s place in the universe and the Goodness of God CCC 279 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” CCC 354 “God created man in his own image” Gen 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” “Evolution postulates, and must postulate, a Creator, the sovereign lord of all things” (Zahm) Society responded by accepting or condemning the views due to its scientific merit or there own personal beliefs “Man has something which is not imposed but he holds closely, morals” (Gaudium et Spes) which is assumed to be the piece God gave man uniquely.

The Church initially took no action against Darwin Highly conscious that another Galileo affair would severely cripple the RCT First Response: Council of Cologne, Made judgement without any Doctrinal basis. They did not condemn evolution outright “The first parents were created directly by God” (Council of Cologne) “Therefore we declare as contrary to Sacred Scripture” (Council of Cologne) Darwinism was treated with extreme suspicion for it was an external challenge Books were placed on Index of Forbidden Books briefly before being removed again Harmonisers attempted to synthesise religion and evolution, the church responded by censure and privately asking to retract the claims “As to evolution, far from depriving man of his high estate, confirms him in it” John Zaim Vatican never responded, Choose to be passive and showed it was uncomfortable with the idea “Catholics are free to form their own opinions...we do not forbid research and discussion” (Humani Generis)

Significant as it paved the way for an acceptance of science “Truth cannot contradict Truth” “Should concede science a special authority to decide questions” (David Armstrong) “New findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis” (John Paul II) However, Comments on Evolution merely constitute acceptance and not an official endorsement of evolution by the Church However the Roman Catholic Tradition in modern times has moved to atone for its mistakes when it openly acquitted Galileo in April 1993 by John Paul II Index of Forbidden Books Abolished 1966 “Rapturous love affair” between science and religion is beginning to come to a close

Description of the Challenge

Socio-historic Context

Significance of the Challenge to the tradition

Response of the tradition to Darwin

Significance of response on the Tradition

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