56. People's ability to delay gratification (or not) starts young


Note on 56. People's ability to delay gratification (or not) starts young, created by Cynthia Clay on 11/04/2018.
Cynthia  Clay
Note by Cynthia Clay, updated more than 1 year ago
Cynthia  Clay
Created by Cynthia Clay almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

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Starting in the late 60s early 70s Walter Michel did a series of studies on delayed gratification. Which for example means if you want to buy something but not sure if you should get it now or wait until its on sale or pay off your credit card first.  He went on to test this and he came back later and the teenagers who delayed the gratification ended up being successful in school, less stress and as they became adults they continued to succeed. The other children that couldn't delay this on the other hand when they became adults they had issues like substance abuse, etc.  

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