Block 5 : Case Studies


Degree K101 Block 5 Note on Block 5 : Case Studies, created by allycooper2893 on 24/05/2013.
Note by allycooper2893, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by allycooper2893 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Elspeth Grant- Accident meant she went from being independent to fully dependant- Formal care services- Private agency carer arrived = no training, no gloves, no protection- Found it hard to stand naked in front of her in the shower- Embarrassed - boundaries breachedCare = poor quality Didn't maintain her dignity- Social care assistant arrived- Good eye contact, business like, friendly, understood situation- Better communication- Arrived with all resources- No problem with intimate washing- Well-covered- Social care assistant counterpart- Always late, busy- Embarrassing and uncomfortable isn't providing safe care- Service users should be asked about preferences- Crosses boundaries of normal social interaction

Marie O'BrienNewly recruited support worker at Millstream CourtInterview = asked about person centred care - already had experience at a day nurseryMet with other workers before 1st shiftKey worker to Richard and Fakhra Didn't know how to help Fakhra eat - nobody to ask for helpFed Fakhra and she choked on a couple of occasionsRISKS- Death from choking- Not knowing what to do when user is choking - never before had to practice = serious harm- Psychological effect on Fakhra - worried / anxious about care being received- Dignity wasn't being respected- Risks to Marie's confidence = affect ability to do job and provide safe careMarie had to help Richard up - Richard had an erectionDidn't know what to do / found it awkward / turned awayEventually took Richard to bathroom - confused & embarrassed - Had to help in urinate into a bottleUpset that she didn't realise it would be part of the jobboundaries between intimate care and sexual contact blurredNo preparation - didn't know what to say or how to actBad effect on Richard - psychologicallyHidden aspect of care workTrainee care workers - lack skills and experience = unprepared = feel inadequateImportant factor in safe care provision-- Induction standards created which new staff have to meet-- Thorough induction needed-- Shadowing experienced member of staff for at least 1 week (Somebody Cares) - see how intimate care should be carried out-- Improvement of care - safer psychologically, socially and physically-- Intimate care should be supervised

Elspeth Grant and Marie O'Brien

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