Aula de Inglês.


Aulas particulares de inglês.
Antonio Carlos
Note by Antonio Carlos, updated more than 1 year ago
Antonio Carlos
Created by Antonio Carlos about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Exercícios com DO e DOES A. Complete com DO ou DOES (sentenças interrogativas) _______________ you speak English? _______________ Joanne speak English? Where _______________ they live? Where _______________ Jack work? What _______________ she do for a living? What _______________ Mike and Michelle do for a living? _______________ you think they’re going to help us? _______________ Mary think her father’s going to help her? How _______________ like your coffee? How _______________ he like his coffee? _______________ Patrick like reading? _______________ your mom work? What time _______________ you usually get up every day?

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