

The Formation, Maintenance and Dissolution of Romantic Relationships
Mind Map by Samantha1234, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Samantha1234 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Formation
    1. The Filter Model
      1. Kerchoff and Davis
        1. Longitudinal Study
          1. Independent Groups
            1. Group 1: less than 18 months
              1. Attitude most important
              2. Group 2: longer than 18 months
                1. Emotional Need more important
              3. Seven months
            2. Social Demographic
              1. Age
                1. Sex
                  1. Eductaion
                  2. Similarity of Attitudes/ Ideas
                    1. It is easier to get along with people who have similar attitudes
                    2. Complementary of Emotional Needs
                      1. Most important after 18 months
                      2. Gruber-Baldi
                        1. Couples similar in Personality were more likely to be together 20 years later
                      3. Reward/Need Theory
                        1. Enter a relationship with a set of needs
                          1. More those needs are met, the longer the relationship will last
                          2. Argyle
                            1. Smith and Mackie
                              1. Relationships last longer if both partner's needs are met
                          3. Maintenance
                            1. Social Exchange Theory
                              1. Reward/Cost Equilibrium
                                1. ^Reward = Profit
                                  1. ^Cost = Loss
                                  2. Thibault and Kelley
                                    1. CL
                                      1. CL Alt
                                        1. Jerstad
                                          1. Abused Partners do not Leave Relationships
                                        2. Equity Theory
                                          1. Relationships need to be equitable to work
                                            1. Equitable for both partners
                                            2. Walster et al
                                              1. Clark and Mills
                                                1. Not all relationships are beaded on economics
                                                2. Stafford and Canary
                                                  1. People happiest if they thought their relationship was equitable
                                              2. Dissolution
                                                1. Situational and Dispositional Factors
                                                  1. Duck
                                                  2. Duck and Rollie
                                                    1. Intra-Psychic
                                                      1. Dyadic
                                                        1. Social
                                                          1. Grave Dressing
                                                            1. Resurrection
                                                    2. Boekhout
                                                      1. Infidelity
                                                        1. Men = lack of sexual excitement
                                                          1. Women = lack of emotional satisfaction
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