Appeasement, the War, and the debate


Details of events where appeasement was used but still lead to war
Mind Map by cheryljohnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cheryljohnson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Appeasement, the War, and the debate
  1. Re-occupation of the Rhineland 1936
    1. ToV started the Rhineland should be demilitarised
      1. Security for France
      2. Sent troops to reclaim the region
        1. Br and Fr did nothing to stop this
        2. Munch Settlement 1938
          1. Under ToV the Sudetenland was made part of Czechoslovakia
            1. Idea of self-determination for the 3 million Sudeten-Germans
              1. Agreement gave Germany the Sudetenland
                1. Stopped immediate threat of war
                  1. Germany went against the agreement also occupied Bohemia and Moravia, destroying Czechoslovakia
                2. Poland 1939
                  1. Br promised to protect Poland in the event of German invasion
                    1. Was actually a more reasonable demand
                      1. Keeping with this, Br declared war on Germany 6 months later
                      2. Went against the Munich Agreement
                      3. The Soviet Union
                        1. The Guilty Men
                          1. Condemnation of Br's leaders for undermining Soviet-British relations
                            1. Could have been a counter-weight to the growth of Germany
                          2. Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939
                            1. Agreement that pledging the USSR and Gr would stay at peace for 10 years
                              1. Would devided Poland between them
                                1. Hitler betrayed the agreement on June 1941 with Operation Barbarossa
                              2. Debate
                                1. 1939 onwards, Appeasement was considered terrible
                                  1. Failed to stop the expansion of Nazi Germany
                                  2. War was too horrible to contemplate
                                    1. Avoidance was neccessary
                                      1. Public opinion
                                        1. Anti-war feelings
                                          1. Genuine support for rearmament
                                            1. Explains why government was so ill prepared for war
                                        2. Economic depression
                                          1. Money for armaments not of vital importance at the time
                                          2. Trust in LoN
                                            1. Had in some successes
                                            2. Military position in the 1930's
                                              1. Navy overstretched
                                                1. Impossible to resist Germany by armed force
                                                  1. Could not help Poland
                                                  2. Could not defend the own interests and stop Gr at the same time
                                                    1. Failure in defending their interests in Abyssinia proves this
                                                  3. Sympathy for Germany
                                                    1. Belief even the Rhineland, Sudetenland and Austria incidents were in keeping with self determination
                                                      1. Fr refusal to budge on reparations
                                                      2. Fear of Communism
                                                        1. Afraid of the spread of Communism into Europe
                                                          1. Strong anti-communist Germany could be a barrier to the spread of communism
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