Despcriptive Language


English (Figurative Language) Mind Map on Despcriptive Language, created by made_of_bubbles on 16/05/2013.
Mind Map by made_of_bubbles, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by made_of_bubbles almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Despcriptive Language
  1. Strong Verbs
    1. Verbs can be strong and powerful according to their context
    2. Interesting Adjectives
      1. Adjectives are used a lot in ballads so they are a good topic to talk about and they can be weak or interesting
      2. Sensory Imagery
        1. Olfactory Imagery- smell
          1. Visual Imagery- see
            1. Auditory Imagery- hear
              1. Gustatory Imagery- taste
                1. Tactile Imagery- touch
                2. Contrast
                  1. You can talk about the contrast in a ballad if it contrasts between two subjects EG. light and dark, cold and hot...
                  2. Repetition
                    1. Repetition is when a certain subject or feeling is talked about a lot and is constantly repeated
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