Revelation and Enlightenment


Revelation and Enlightenment - Philosophy of Religion GCSE
Mind Map by jess99, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jess99 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Revelation and Enlightenment
  1. general revelation
    1. the idea that God can be known through His creations
      1. through people
        1. we can understand things about God through the personality/qualities that He gave humans
          1. a mother's unconditional love of her child
            1. altruism
              1. "so God created man in His own image"
                1. there are many ultimate values that must have some origin outside of human existence
                  1. the truth
                    1. forgiveness
                      1. justice
                      2. some people are willing to sacrifice their own lives for others
                    2. special revelation
                      1. through sacred texts
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