Frontal Lobes


Mind map describing the substructures, functions, disorders and associated damage of the frontal lobes
Mind Map by tbveeden, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tbveeden over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Frontal Lobes
  1. Part of cerebral cortex
    1. Largest brain structure
      1. Higher cognitive functions
        1. Substructures
          1. Prefrontal cortex
            1. Orbitofrontal cortex
              1. Motor cortex
                1. Premotor cortex
                  1. Broca's area
                    1. Functions
                      1. Attention
                        1. Thought
                          1. Voluntary movement
                            1. Decision-making
                              1. Language
                                1. Executive processes
                                  1. Planning
                                    1. Intelligence
                                      1. Comprehension
                                      2. Frontal eye fields
                                        1. middle frontal gyrus
                                          1. Inferior frontal gyrus
                                          2. Disorders
                                            1. ADHD
                                              1. Schizophrenia
                                                1. Bipolar disorder
                                                  1. prefrontal cortex
                                                2. Damage results in
                                                  1. Paralysis
                                                    1. Loss of spontaneity in social interactions
                                                      1. Mood changes
                                                        1. Inability to express language
                                                          1. Atypical
                                                            1. Social skills
                                                              1. Personality
                                                            2. Humans have largest
                                                              1. Crowning glory of evolution

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