The Arms Race in the early 1960s


Mind Map on The Arms Race in the early 1960s, created by Sophia Hinchliffe on 04/06/2017.
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mind Map by Sophia Hinchliffe , updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Created by Sophia Hinchliffe over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Arms Race in the early 1960s
  1. The USA were concerned that the USSR was building more powerful nukes than them, the USSR's Tsara bomb was 1000 times more powerful than the first atomic bomb
    1. The USSR had feas over how close the USA's missile were to Russia, in 1961 the USA had put missiles in Turkey it also has B52 bombers capable of dropping bombs on the USSR
      1. Both sides were anxious about the other side gaining the edge
        1. Both sides put huge effort into spying on each other
          1. Cuba became a Soviet ally and Khruchshev was keen to put missiles on the island which was only 90 miles from florida
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