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Regeneration in Plymouth
A-Levels Geography G4 Mind Map on Regeneration in Plymouth, created by adam fursdon on 15/05/2013.
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geography g4
geography g4
Mind Map by
adam fursdon
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 11 years ago
Copied by
adam fursdon
over 11 years ago
Copied by
adam fursdon
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Regeneration in Plymouth
Initial high employment rate
After WWII and Cold War demand for ships + dockyard decreased
Manufacturing began abroad + unemployment increased
Maximum of 3000 people still employed
Unemployment resulted in decline
Deprivation, social, crime, alcoholism, drug abuse, ghettoisation
Mt Wise area very deprived
Unemployment reached 80%
Cars burnt out
Out of control youths
Houses dilapidated
1989 - Christine Watts
Lead of women's group
Campaigned for grants
Awarded with £3 million in 1993 by EU
Evidence of redevelopment!
50% of people returned to the area - architects worked with residents
Private gardens
Traffic free
Energy efficient buildings
Full time youth worker
1999 - Further £10 million grant
2001 - 'Devonport Regeneration Community Partnership'
£49 million grant from the government
Major improvements
Colourful + modern
Lots of windows in flats
Artwork + gates
Improved roads + pavement
Stonehouse, Royal William Yard
1820s to support navy
Area became derelict in 1950s
Was not allowed to be knocked down
Was bought in 1993 by Plymouth Development Co
Improved area then opened it to buyers
1998 - RDE invested heavily
Converted buildings into flats, shops cafes and restaurants
Resulted in a mix of social classes
Created conflict
2000 - Urban Splash bought + developed
Luxury flats, offices and accommodation
Sustainable community created
Use of water taxis to get into CBD
On main road out of city
Originally large grand family houses
Substantial and well built
Located close to CBD + Train station
Bus routes nearby
Mostly Edwardian + Victorian houses
High street built in 1960s
Suburban shopping centre
Thrived until 1980s - out of town shopping centres affected it negatively
Most buildings now converted for student accommodation
Landlords + rent
It is close to the university
70% student populated
Cultural diversity has increased
Services + shops changed to make profit from students
Millfields gated community, Plymouth
Owned by wealthy people, private houses
Literal wall built around homes
Often converted from a previous building
In this case, an old hospital
Often retired/ late age people
Reaction to multi-cultural societies
Extreme forms of segregation and division/ seclusion
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