bottleneck theories of attention


6 - Attention Mind Map on bottleneck theories of attention, created by db56hse on 15/05/2013.
Mind Map by db56hse, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by db56hse about 11 years ago

Resource summary

bottleneck theories of attention
  1. suggest that as attentional resources are limited some filtering takes place - the issue is where
    1. Broadbent suggests 'early on' on the basis of physical characteristics (location of sound, pitch)
    2. presented three digits simultaneously to each ear - Ps reported digits in 'pairs' or 'ears' - ears was found to be easier with pairs 'switching' from ear to ear - supporting idea of 'physical basis' for selection
      1. theory suggests nothing about 'meaning' is processed
        1. Triesman found attention is switched to unattended information if it is meaningful - supported by 'cocktail party effect'
          1. bottleneck theories challenged by suggestion of no resource limitations on processing
            1. other suggestion that when selection takes place is determined by perceptual load - amount if information available to senses (high - early and low - late)
              1. made valuable contribution to understanding of attention and stimulated research
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