Endocrine System (BIOLOGY)


Mind Map on Endocrine System (BIOLOGY), created by Laelle D on 17/05/2017.
Laelle D
Mind Map by Laelle D, updated more than 1 year ago
Laelle D
Created by Laelle D over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Endocrine System (BIOLOGY)
  1. A communication system that uses hormones as its signalling molecules- in the bloodstream
    1. Hormones are chemical messengers- carry signal from endocrine glands to target cells
      1. Amino-acid derived
        1. E.g. adrenaline, insulin & glycagon
          1. Polar- not soluble in the phospholipid bilayer of their target cells
            1. Binds to complementary receptors on target cell
              1. Uses 1st + 2nd messengers
                1. 1st messenger= non-steroid hormone
                  1. 2nd messenger= cAMP
                  2. Activates G protein
                    1. Activates adenyl cyclase
                      1. converts ATP to cAMP
                        1. cAMP brings about response in the cell
                          1. e.g. activation of enzyme, opening a channel protein or protein synthesis
              2. Steroid
                1. e.g. oestrogen + testosterone
                  1. Non-polar- soluble in the phospholipid bilayer
                    1. Diffuses into target cell + has a direct effect on DNA in nucleus
                      1. e.g. activation of an enzyme, opening channel protein or protein synthesis
                2. Endocrine glands
                  1. Ductless glands, that manufacture and release hormones directly into the bloodstream
                    1. Exocrine glands- produces + secrete other substances into ducts (e.g. pancreatic duct, salivary duct)
                  2. Adrenal Gland
                    1. A pair of glands, above the kidneys
                      1. Manufacture + secrete adrenaline (+ other hormones)
                      2. Adrenal Cortex
                        1. 3 distinct layers of cells
                          1. ZONA GLOMERULOSA
                            1. ZONA FASCICULATA
                              1. ZONA RETICULARIS
                              2. uses cholesterol to produce a range of hormones
                                1. So steroid based + can have a direct effect on DNA of target cell
                              3. Cortex + Medulla: well supplied w/blood to secrete hormones into
                                1. Adrenal Medulla
                                  1. Manufactures and secretes adrenaline (+ nonadrenaline) into the bloodstream
                                    1. Adrenaline is an amino acid derived hormone- so polar
                                      1. It uses a 1st + 2nd messenger; that brings about a response in the cell
                                      2. The effects of adrenaline are widespread + prepare the body for activity
                                        1. Pupil dilation, increased heart + breathing rate, decreased digestion, vasoconstriction- raises blood pressure
                                  2. The Pancreas
                                    1. Small organ below the stomach
                                      1. Endocrine Function
                                        1. Islet of Langerhans contain alpha and beta cells
                                          1. If beta & alpha cells detect blood glucose levels as too high...
                                            1. Beta cells release insulin
                                              1. target cells are liver, muscle and brain cells
                                                1. look at 'ACTIONS OF INSULIN'
                                                2. look at 'RELEASE OF INSULIN FROM BETA CELLS'
                                              2. Is beta and alpha cells detect blood glucose levels as too low...
                                                1. Alpha cells release glucagon
                                                  1. target cells are hepatocytes
                                                    1. look at 'ACTIONS OF GLUCAGON'
                                            2. Exocrine Function
                                              1. Manufactures + secretes digestive juices into the small intestine via, the pancreatic duct
                                                1. Exocrine cells are grouped into...
                                                  1. acini
                                                    1. Acini are grouped into small lobules, separated by connective tissue
                                                      1. Acini cells secrete digestive juices into the tiny tubules in the centre
                                                        1. Tubules join to form intralobular ducts, which make up the pancreatic duct
                                                          1. Pancreatic duct- carries digestive enzymes into the small intestine
                                                  2. Digestive juices contain the enzymes...
                                                    1. Trypsinogen
                                                      1. inactive protease converts into trypsin
                                                      2. Lipases
                                                        1. Amylases
                                                          1. Contains sodium hydrogencarbonate (alkali)
                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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