PET Scans


A mindmap containing a description and evaluation of PET scans. It's part of the Edexcel AS-level Psychology syllabus. It's Unit 2, part of the Biological Approach.
Heloise Tudor
Mind Map by Heloise Tudor, updated more than 1 year ago
Heloise Tudor
Created by Heloise Tudor over 10 years ago

Resource summary

PET Scans
  1. Positron Emission Tomography
    1. Hotspots in the brain measured. Can find out which parts working at particular time.
      1. Radioactive tracer added to chemical, injected into arm vein.
        1. Tracer provides small, positively charged particles (positrons)
          1. Give off signals that're recorded
            1. Areas in the brain that use more glucose = more active, showing a more red colour.
        2. People can be scanned while performing different activities. shows what area of brain is responsible for different functions.
          1. Helps to understand communication in the brain.
          2. Strengths
            1. Can see a picture of a working brain
              1. Show malfunction, identify damage/tumours
                1. No risk of infection
                2. Weaknesses
                  1. There are ethical concerns as it's an invasive procedure (the tracer being injected)
                    1. Informed consent is needed and good reason is needed for the scan.
                      1. The scan is distressing
                        1. It's hard to isolate different brain functioning precisely even though activity shows in the image
                          1. Scans are broad in their imaging, things are hard to pinpoint
                            1. Can only a couple of scans in lifetime
                              1. Expensive
                                1. Can't have one if pregnant/breastfeeding
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