Effects of Alcohol


Year 9 Biology (Health & Disease) Mind Map on Effects of Alcohol, created by Tania Smith on 23/04/2017.
Tania Smith
Mind Map by Tania Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Tania Smith
Created by Tania Smith almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Effects of Alcohol
  1. Long-Term
    1. Persistent alcohol misuse increase your risk of serious health conditions.
      1. Liver disease, e.g. CIRRHOSIS.
        1. CIRRHOSIS occurs when the liver becomes significantly scared. Scar tissue replaces the healthy tissue in the liver.
          1. This prevents the liver from functioning properly.
            1. The damage caused by CIRRHOSIS cannot be reversed and eventually, can become so extensive that the liver stops functioning altogether.
          2. Heart disease
            1. Stroke
              1. Can become very addictive, leading to the person becoming an alcoholic and results in poor social well-being.
                1. Damage to the brain.
                2. Short-Term
                  1. Lack of balance and co-ordination.
                    1. Can lead to accidents.
                    2. Blurred vision.
                      1. Slurred speech.
                      2. Poor judgement
                        1. Foolish decisions made.
                        2. Alcohol poisoning
                        3. What does it do?
                          1. Alcohol is a DRUG.
                            1. This means it is a chemical substance that alters the way in which your mind and body works.
                              1. Another example of a drug is caffeine.
                              2. Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT.
                                1. This is a drug that decreases brain activity and slows down reactions.
                                2. Can lead to numerous long-term diseases.
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