Presbyterian & Anglican Religious Comment


GCSE RE Mind Map on Presbyterian & Anglican Religious Comment, created by Rachel Girvan on 03/04/2017.
Rachel Girvan
Mind Map by Rachel Girvan, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Girvan
Created by Rachel Girvan about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Presbyterian & Anglican Religious Comment
  1. "Marriage is a life-long partnership of man and wife with absolute faithfulness."
    1. "The unborn child is fully human, a person made in the image of God."
      1. "Facilities like the Hospice movement should be encouraged."
        1. "We cannot emphasise too strongly the right to life and this includes the rights of the yet unborn."
          1. "What is needed is...greater training in palliative care."
            1. "We should become more socially inclusive."
              1. "If we do not challenge racism and discrimination how can we convince others that we believe in Christ and the Kingdom that he proclaimed?"
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