Religious Studies - Ethics 1 Human Relationships


GCSE Religious Studies Mind Map on Religious Studies - Ethics 1 Human Relationships, created by irenehaastrup on 11/05/2013.
Mind Map by irenehaastrup, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by irenehaastrup over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Religious Studies - Ethics 1 Human Relationships
  1. Marriage
    1. Is for life and sacred
      1. two flesh shall become one
        1. 'Do not commit adultery'
          1. Social, sexual and legal contract between one man and one woman.
            1. Sacrament before God (Roman Catholic)
              1. 'a man shall leave his father and mother and be united with his wife and two shall become one flesh'
                1. Marriage was designed by God
                2. Christian Families and Roles in Church and Homes
                  1. Men are the Breadwinners
                    1. Women are Housewives
                      1. 'Women should remain silent in church'
                        1. 'Wives.... be submissive to your husbands.....husbands in the same way be considerate as you live with you wives'
                          1. Liberals - 'Neither Jew nor Greek, Slave nor Free, male nor female for we are all one in Christ Jesus'
                          2. Divorce
                            1. RC - Against Divorce unless Annulment
                              1. Liberal - More loving to let someone have a divorce
                                1. Quote - 'If a man divorces his wife and marries another, he commits adultery, and if a wife divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery'
                                  1. Quote - 'Let no man separate what God has put together'
                                  2. Remarriage
                                    1. Fine after Death
                                      1. Conservative = NOT OK Liberals = OK
                                        1. 'Do not commit adultery'
                                          1. 'Love thy Neighbour'
                                            1. If you remarry you commit adultery
                                            2. Civil Partnerships
                                              1. When two people of the same sex have a public ceremony after which they have the same legal status as a married heterosexual couple
                                                1. Conservative are against it
                                                  1. Liberals are for it
                                                    1. Homosexual activity is considerate a sinful
                                                      1. 'Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a women, this a detestable
                                                        1. 'Do not judge other as you to shall be judged
                                                          1. Punishment would be death
                                                          2. Pre-martial and Extra Martial Sex
                                                            1. The place for sex is marriage
                                                              1. Pre-martial Sex - is sex before marriage
                                                                1. Extra-martial Sex - Is sex outside a marriage
                                                                  1. Both Sinful
                                                                    1. Cohabitation is Living together before marriage
                                                                      1. Chastity is not having sex
                                                                        1. Celibacy is Not sex e.g. Nuns and Munks
                                                                          1. Monogamy is having one sexual partner
                                                                          2. Contraception
                                                                            1. RC & Conservatives - disagree with it
                                                                              1. 'Be fruitful and multiply... fill the earth'
                                                                                1. Liberals - We have free will
                                                                                  1. Procreation - Creating children
                                                                                    1. Unnatural ways are wrong - RC
                                                                                      1. RC - Sex is for procreation, not pleasure
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