Peer and self assessment


peer and self assessment process
alison bell
Mind Map by alison bell, updated more than 1 year ago
alison bell
Created by alison bell over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Peer and self assessment
  1. one learner assessing another learner's progress
    1. self assessment involves assessing their own progress
      1. take responsibility for their learning
        1. become involved in the assessment process
          1. need to fully understand what needs to be assessed
            1. how to be fair and objective and how to give feedback
              1. develops and motivates learners
              2. develops listening, observing and questioning skills
                1. peer assessment activities include
                  1. marking work anonymously and giving written or oral feedback
                    1. giving feedback about presentations
                      1. group discussions about agreeing the pass mark
                        1. suggesting improvements
          2. both methods encourage learners to make decisions about what has been learnt so far
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