Family Therapy (Evaluation)


Advantages and disadvantages of Family therapy
april cottrell
Mind Map by april cottrell, updated more than 1 year ago
april cottrell
Created by april cottrell almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Family Therapy (Evaluation)
  1. Addresses any problems the individual has in their relationship with other family members
    1. Could lead to new and supportive relationships between family members
      1. Individuals may develop confidence to share worries with family
        1. Would help family members have a greater understanding of each others point of view
          1. Everyone in the family could be involved
            1. Individuals may feel empowered/valued and respected by the family
              1. Practical problems such as time and cost
                1. Possible difficulties in accessing appointments
                  1. Waiting lists
                    1. Travel problems
                      1. Work commitments
                      2. May be labelled as a "problem family"
                        1. May take full control away from the individual
                          1. Family members may not want to take part or are not fully committed
                            1. Requires individuals to understand the reasons for their own actions
                              1. Individuals may be afraid of power imbalances
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