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Title Significance in Dulbiners
University Undergraduate Level 2 English Literature (James Joyce) Mind Map on Title Significance in Dulbiners, created by andrewmanzi on 30/04/2014.
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james joyce
the dead
level 2 english literature
james joyce
university undergraduate
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 10 years ago
Resource summary
Title Significance in Dulbiners
On the surface a real occasion
Oriental fete being held in the outskirts of Dublin
Deeper Meaning
Romantic term for the Middle East
No such country
Popular throughout the 19th C to express the romantic view of the East
Story about romantic irony and a romantic view of the world
Connotes the exotic; the intriguing excitement of an imaginary world
Apocalyptic world of romance
The boy sees his failure at the bazaar as a sign for the failed romance between him and the girl
Suggests an escape
The boys erotic desires for the girl become joined to his fantasies about the Bazaar
Unable to focus on school work due to anticipation
Land of romance & beauty away from the mundane routine of city life
The story is about orientation: derived from the orient which comes from the East
Originally meaning to orient yourself - know in which direction the sun rises
The boy in Araby is disorientated
Young / Inexperienced
Supernatural gift conferred by God on man so that they might be able to attain salvation
Friends coaxing Mr. Kernan to go to church
Questionable Understanding of religion
Almost comic
Genuinely trying to help their friend
None of the men actually practice their faith
Play on words
Physical dexterity and elegance
Ironic as the first time we meet Mr. Kernan he has fallen down the stairs lying in filth
Lack of grace in the story
Only a few 'graceful' moments in the story
When the cyclist comes to help wash the blood from Mr. Kernan
When Mr. Power offers to take Mr. Kernan home
Playful - almost a joke from Joyce
The Dead
Paralysis / Inner-death
Spiritual paralysis of those who escape their inner squalid reality through daydreams, yet are limited in their imaginings
Gabriel living life as though he were dead
Does not truly know his wife
With death there is some resurrection of spirit
Gabriel feels it is now better to live life "in the full glory of some passion"
"Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age."
Gabriel sees himself as a shadow of a person, flickering in a world in which the living and the dead meet
Physically living but emotionally dead
Inability to change
Who people appear to be and who they truly are
People at the party appear lively, but inside these people are dead - emotionally and in their ability to change
Gabriel is the exception as he changes at the end of the story
Symbol of Ireland
Troubles that Ireland is facing
Death of Irish identity
Can be a ressurrection of spirit of the Irish similar to that in the story
Joyce's optimism for Ireland
Relationship between those dead and those alive
Lines beginning to blur
As are those between imagination and reality
"the solid world itself which these dead had one time reared and lived in was dissolving and dwindling."
Dead affecting the living
Must not linger on the past but embrace the present
Gabriel's speech
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