Grace by Jeff Buckley


GCSE Music Flashcards on Grace by Jeff Buckley, created by Oliviax on 12/01/2015.
Flashcards by Oliviax, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Oliviax about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Structure? . Song form; intro, verse 1, pre-chorus, chorus, link (same as intro), verse 2, pre-chorus, chorus, middle eight, link, verse 3, outro. . The outro uses chorus material.
Tonality? . It is in Em. . There is the use of chromatic chords such as Eb. . It uses 7th chords. . There is the use of power chords.
What is a power chord? A chord consisting of the root note and a fifth above
Dynamics? . Dynamics aren't important as they aren't specified in the score
Rhythm/Metre? . 12/8 (compound time signature-4 dotted crotchets per bar) although it feels like 4/4 .There is lots of syncopation in the vocal melody as well as in the bass line. .Cross rhythms are created through the use of two-against-three rhythms (quavers against dotted quavers)
Tempo? . Moderate tempo . 64 dotted crotchet beats per minute.
Texture? . Homophonic - melody and accompaniment although sometimes the guitar takes the lead. . The texture thickens towards the end of the song, especially in the coda.
Timbre/Instruments? .Guitars (electric x3) . Acoustic . Bass . Guitars are amped and distorted and play rhythmic patterns and chords. . Dropped D on the tuning. . Synthesiser and strings as effect and vary texture. . Drum kit . Male vocal
Melody? . Sung by the vocal . Sung in falsetto with over a 2 octave range. . It is melismatic and fragments of the melody are improvised. .Most vocal phrases are falling, reflecting a melancholy feeling to the song. . Frequent ornamentation in the melody line
What does ornamentation mean? Notes, often indicated by special signs, which decorate the main melody
When was Grace released? 1994
What is the genre of the song? Rock ballad - a rock song about love in a slow tempo
What are some songs from the album 'Grace'? . Hallelujah . Last Goodbye . Eternal Life
What are cross rhythms? A rhythm that conflicts with the regular pattern of beats, or the combination of two conflicting rhythms within a single beat
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