Gender and Deviant Subcultures- Delinquent girls


A - Level Sociology (Youth Subcultures and Deviant Subcultures ) Mind Map on Gender and Deviant Subcultures- Delinquent girls, created by Yasmine King on 02/03/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Gender and Deviant Subcultures- Delinquent girls
  1. Graham and Bowling- peak of commiting crime is lower for girls
    1. Heidensohn- Research is malestream, girls commit crime it is just not researched. When girls commit crime they are doubly deviant
      1. Lees- Girls are more likely to face control by their peer groups in relation to their reputation. Prevents them from being deviant.
        1. Klein- female gang members commit equally violent acts as their male counterparts
          1. Pearce and Pitts- female gangs are less evident but exist
            1. Harding- Girls use their social skills to make a role for themselves in gangs
              1. Thompson- media has exaggerated the increase in female crime. Moral Panic.
                1. Muncie- Moral panic over female offending and girl gangs
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