Why was Anglo-Saxon worth fighting for?


(Anglo-Saxon England Revision) Mind Map on Why was Anglo-Saxon worth fighting for?, created by bsteer123 on 08/05/2013.
Mind Map by bsteer123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bsteer123 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Why was Anglo-Saxon worth fighting for?
  1. Coinage
    1. Value of money
      1. Based on 'Gold Standard'
        1. Checked by King or Queen
        2. License mints in order to control distribution and value
          1. Slaves produce money
            1. Treated harshly if they created anything illegal
            2. Coin designed in a way so it was difficult to copy
              1. E.g. Coin clipping
              2. Recalled every 4 years
                1. Old money is burnt and becomes illegal
                  1. Stops forgery
                    1. Dies (patterns on coins) changed every 4 years
                  2. Organised
                    1. Only country that could re-call coins every 4 years
                      1. Effective admin
                        1. Gov.t were thorough and organised for that period
                        2. Good trade links with other countries
                          1. Happy to trade with English traders as they knew that the amounts the coins were worth were correct
                            1. Benefitted world trade and foreign trade greatly
                              1. Internal and external trade grew
                            2. Silver came from Dartmoor
                              1. Gold came from South Wales
                                1. Vast amounts of farmland
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