Biology Exam 1


Mind Map on Biology Exam 1, created by Chelsea Marsden on 16/02/2017.
Chelsea Marsden
Mind Map by Chelsea Marsden, updated more than 1 year ago
Chelsea Marsden
Created by Chelsea Marsden over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Biology Exam 1
  1. Science and Scientific Method
    1. Hypothesis


      • Tentative answer to well-framed question Testing: OHEC O- OBSERVATION  Q- QUESTION H- HYPOTHESIS E- Experiment C- COLLECT DATA, CONCLUSION Can't infer causation from correlation
      1. Controlled Experiments


        • Independent variable- Manipulate, experimental, cause (temp) Dependent- Measure, outcome, measure/effect (GROWTH) Use control groups to cancel undesired variable  CONFOUNDS- Pop up in experiment unexpected, should have been controlled and weren't 
        1. Characteristics of Life


          • 3 Main:   Structure (Cell Organization) Function: Metabolism assimilating energy to perform work "thermo regulation"   -Maintain stable internal environment when external environment different Reproduction ALSO COMPLEX
          1. Laws of Thermodynamics
            1. Law 1


              • Energy constant, can't be created or destroyed ONLY TRANSFERRED OR TRANSFORMED
              1. Energy
                1. Potential


                  • Capacity to work, but isn't (Stored energy, energy of position) EX: Bending ruler, state of HIGH potential energy, can be TRANSFORMED INTO KINETIC
                  1. Kinetic


                    • Actively doing work.  Ex Energy gone after ruler is snapped
              2. Law 2


                • IMAGINE CHEETAH RUNNING AFTER EATING NO FREE LUNCH During transfer or transform, energy unusable lost to heat
                1. Entropy


                  • Increase (chaos) state of chaos, can't be used for anything Level of complex of organism can develop & maintain depends on amount of available energy can come from degradation of complexity elsewhere
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