Spotted hyena


Social Intelligence Mind Map on Spotted hyena, created by arashi0712 on 07/05/2013.
Mind Map by arashi0712, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by arashi0712 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Spotted hyena
  1. if social brain hypothesis robust then selection should promote convergent evolution of social intelligence in animal taxa in same complex social environment
    1. live in permanent socially complex groups
      1. multi male/female
        1. fission fusion
          1. maternal rank inheritance
            1. overlapping generations
              1. infant rank immediately below mother
                1. young ascending repro value
                  1. mother help in interventions and resource competition
                2. HR repro age earlier
                  1. less vulnerable to food flactuations
                  2. male rank adjacent to mother, omega in new clan
            2. remember outcomes of earlier interactions
              1. 3rd party recog
                1. support HR in each situation
                  1. redirect aggression to opponents kin more often after conflict
                    1. Enter text here
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