Cross Unit Connections for Science Midterm


From Mr. Wasley's Honors Earth Science Class 2016-17
Meredith W
Mind Map by Meredith W, updated more than 1 year ago
Meredith W
Created by Meredith W about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Cross Unit Connections for Science Midterm
  1. Unit 1: Density
    1. density differences also cause ocean currents
      1. density of water: 1 <1 floats, >1 sinks
        1. specific gravity
          1. water displacement
            1. as altitude increases, density of air decreases
              1. less molecular collisions; as altitude increases, temp of air decreases
            2. Unit 2: Heat Transfer
              1. raditation from sun heats air in atmosphere
                1. heat added to substance (solid, liquid)= more motion= more volume (= less density)
                2. Unit 3: Electricity
                  1. electrical energy: flows through circuit thermal energy: resistance
                    1. chemical energy from battery becomes electrical energy in circuit
                    2. Unit 4: Rock Cycle
                      1. basalt (oceanic plate) denser than granite (land plate) causes subductiom
                        1. (rock density differences)
                        2. (weathering and erosion)
                          1. weathering and erosion causes salt in water (salinity)
                            1. *salt water is denser than freshwater
                              1. *salt water has a slightly higher boiling point than freshwater
                          2. (plate tectonics)
                          3. Unit 5: Water Cycle (water chemistry)
                            1. winds caused by density differences in hot and cold air
                              1. surface tension defies this...
                              2. Unit 6: Carbon Cycle
                                1. (water needed for these chemical equations)
                                  1. plants turn electromagnetic energy from the sun into chemical energy (sugar) through photosynthesis


                                    • and thermal?
                                    1. (carbon consumed by
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